Gustav Mahler die Lieder 1
September 23, 2020I’m so happy to have got the possibility, in these insecure times, to return to Mahler’s Rückertlieder. Though it was strange to sing with a plexi glass wall behind me, with long distance between the musicians on stage and with many empty chairs, to ensure safety, in the audience- it is a small price to pay for culture to live in troubling times.
It was my debut with Daniel Cohen, with Staatsorchester Darmstadt and my first performance as a member of the ensemble at the State Theatre Darmstadt and it was a bliss, musically and socially!
Thanks to all!
…die Intensität, mit der sie sich in den lyrischen Tonfall der Lieder vertiefte (beeindruckte). Dies gelang ihr besonders eindringlich im rätselhaften Gesang “Um Mitternacht” und im abschließenden “Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen”
Klaus Trapp, Darmstädter Echo

The entire concert series, Gustav Mahler die Lieder, is an artistically interesting project of Cohen’s and I hope there will come a possibility for the series to return.