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#CultureContinued #4theloveofArt #CoronaSolidarity #ausderFerne #StandByCulture #ArtistsAgainstIsolation #ArtAgainstIsolation #Livefromhome
Tags, tags, tags; Covid-19 forces social life and artistic interaction to move online. On this page you can learn more about the international, cross-over Corona-Isolation-Survival-Cultural-Initiative #CultureContinued, launched March 17th 2020 in Nuremberg, Germany.
We are raising money via GoFundMe to help to fund this project. The money raised will be fairly divided between the participants. Of course, at this time, any source of income is of help for freelance artists who otherwise make their living doing live performances. It is of great value to us to be able to contribute to a feeling of normalcy, to comfort those who are frightened, and to continue to pursue our art.
The Corona pandemic affects us all in different ways; personally, locally and globally.
It’s a profound human reaction to gather with loved ones in times of fear but with a virus spreading we are all strongly encouraged to practice social distancing. Isolation is terrible for a social creature.
With our project #CultureContinued we aim to spread light and emotional support in times of worries and isolation. We want to allow cultural diversity to live even in times of the corona virus.
During the past week we and our colleagues have found ourselves standing in our practice rooms and studios wondering which of our upcoming engagements will take place and which not. Since weeks of upcoming performances have been cancelled already in order to contain the virus, most of us worry about how to pay our bills. Putting the obvious financial aspect of this pandemic aside; I’ve sat down, digitally, together with close friends and colleagues. We have been pondering upon how we as artists can deal with and contribute to society in a crisis like this.
We think that art is not only a pleasant diversion in our daily life, but plays a most important role in periods when our society is challenged. Art can be a seismograph, a voice of public expression, and spread hope.
Our goal is to publish one video every day during the Lock Down, featuring very different professional artists, created with whatever means they currently have.
We might need to restrict our moveabouts and our performances might be cancelled but we will still do our best to provide society with art.
Participants to be continued
Solgerd Isalv, Sweden
Anna Körber, Germany
Susanne Hartwich-Düfel and Chamber Orchestra Concerto Grosso Banz
Leah Gordon; Canada
Marie-Élise Boyer, France
Bettina Ostermeier, Germany
Stanke Madic, Serbien
An interview with Prof. Dr. Ribic on Jazz research (in German)