Biblische Bilder

August 1, 2015

Event Details

The contemporary music concert “Biblische Bilder”  is a part of the church music festival 52.Fürther Kirchenmusiktage.

Four world premieres will take place, in a multi media context, with images telling the biblical stories that have inspired the music.


Uwe Strübing: Die Apokalyptischen Reiter (2009)
Lorenz Trottmann: Lilith (2015) Text: Michael Herrschel
Halvor Gotsch: Neues Werk (2015)
Hans Gebhard: Der verlorene Sohn (2015)
Dorothea Hofmann: Hulda (2015). Text: Michael Herrschel


Nächtliche Frage by Petra Annemarie SchleifenheimerLilith by the young german composer Lorenz Trottmann and Michael Herrschel is a short, expressive and political piece for mezzo soprano and percussion. Lilith, living in the desert, is closely watching the fleeing refugees of our time.

Huby Petra Annemarie Schleifenheimerlda by the german composer Dorothea Hofmann and Michael Herrschel is a fictitious scene where the prophetess Hulda,  a prophetess in the Old Testament books of kings and chronicles, call for a new start after wars and demolition.

It’s a piece written for mezzo soprano, organ, piano and percussion.

Ensemble: Solgerd Isalv (mezzo soprano), Michael Herrschel (narrator), Axel Dinkelmeyer and Werner Treiber (percussion), Kevin Wagner (organ), Sirka Schwartz-Uppendieck (piano)